インプラント歯科・かみ合わせ治療 |医療法人社団 麻布東京デンタルクリニック

I gave the lecture at Osaka university graduate school of dentistry!

Hi! I am Dr.Waki, the director of Azabu Tokyo Dental Clinic.I gave the lecture at Osaka university …

  • 麻布東京DCブログ


    おはようございます!麻布東京デンタルクリニック院長の脇 智典です!今日は大阪大学大学院臨床講師(非…

  • azabu tokyo DC Blog

    I gave the lecture at Osaka university graduate school of dentistry!

    Hi! I am Dr.Waki, the director of Azabu Tokyo Dental Clinic. I gave the lecture at Osaka unive…

  • azabu tokyo DC Blog

    I gave the lecture at Osaka university graduate school of dentistry!

     Hi! I am Dr.Waki, the director of Azabu Tokyo Dental Clinic. I gave the lecture at Osaka…